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Welcome to IMA Italy

We know that to be at your best, you need a global network of peers and high-quality training to develop advocacy for your profession.

Join the IMA network to explore your purpose and the ways to achieve it, along with many other benefits!

IMA is a non-profit organization run by volunteers that helps individuals make an impact in their careers.

International Training Day, Rome (Italy) 13th April 2024

Our Present: Led by Passion & Profession Growth Oriented

IMA (International Management Association) in Italia si propone di offrire formazione, networking, mentoring ad Executive Assistant, Personal Assistant, Virtual Assistant e personale d'ufficio. Crediamo che la formazione continua sia cruciale nella nostra professione, per mantenere il nostro ruolo rilevante e strategico. Aderire ad un'associazione professionale internazionale offre la possibilità di avere accesso ad uno scambio tra pari unico e arricchente. Per questo la nostra lingua ufficiale è l'inglese nella nostra comunicazione ufficiale, ma gli incontri locali e nella chat sono in italiano.

Our Past: the history of IMA Italy from EAPS to IMA.


1984 – 2024 :Celebrating 40 years of activity!

In 1984, Anna D'Angelo Bechi founded the Italian group of EAPS, the European Association of Professional Secretaries. She was inspired to do so after meeting Sonia Vanular, the founder and first Executive Chairman of EAPS, during a Secretary World Congress in Lugano.

The Association was presented to potential members and the press in Milan in March 1984, with Anna D'Angelo Bechi becoming the first National Chairman. Over the years, the association and the profession have evolved significantly.

After almost 40 years, the association remains committed to increasing members' personal and professional efficiency by providing tailor-made education, encouraging attendance at international meetings which cover topics related to the current business environment, and creating new business opportunities.

From Secretaries to Executive Assistants, the aims of the Association were: 
  • to be the recognized voice of the Management Assistant profession in Europe; 
  • to create an image of the MA as an essential element of the management team; 
  • to establish a network of highly competent Business Support professionals; 

OUR FOUNDER: Sonia Vanular

Sonia had a vision in 1974 when she founded EAPS. She passionately encouraged our members to develop their role and to recognize the value and worth of the profession. 

EAPS changed its name to EUMA (EUropean Manager Assistants) in 1998, when Secretaries evolved from secretaries to a more managerial role, and then to IMA in 2017, when we decided to open the borders of Europe to grow internationally.

However, Sonia was always there to provide full and active support for every change to meet the requirements and changes of the profession. She closely followed the association's growth into an organization with over 1600 members in more than 30 countries.

Today, IMA is the only international network for management support professionals, and Sonia's contribution to the association's growth and development cannot be overstated.

We are committed to work together to preserve her heritage for years and continue honouring her beautiful legacy.

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