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We are IMA - International Management Assistants

IMA offers a global and high-quality network of management support professionals. 

We focus on the personal and professional development and growth of our members and the continued development of the management support profession.   

The strength of IMA is our face to face meetings and events - especially in an age where everything is digitalized. The personal meeting adds another layer to the networking experience and creates strong connections that last. 

IMA conference in Cape Town, South Africa, 2023

Since 1974, we have provided our members across the world with networking and professional and/or personal training. 

We will take you on a journey from when it all started - as Sonia Vanular's vision of a European network called EAPS over the EUMA years until today, where we are IMA - International Management Assistants. 

Take a look at our history right here.

Do you want to keep developing your skills?

We are now completely sold out for our Training Day in Rotterdam.

Waiting list is still an option - you register for the waiting list by writing to pco@ima-network.org.

We are very excited to welcome the 150 participants to a fantastic training.

Impressions from our first non-European conference which took place in October 2023 in Cape Town, South Africa. 

Our annual conferences, the training days and webinars bring professional and personal growth - constant training and development is crucial for every professional career.

It is not only about expanding knowledge, it is about wanting to evolve in our rapidly changing business lives. We offer international training to provide our members with all the modern knowledge they need to succeed in their business environments.

Below you can see our upcoming international events - if you want to see the events our countries offer, please visit the country pages to get the full overview. For the full list of international events please visit the Events section.

2023 autumn council, Cape Town

Upcoming IMA country events

The Global Skills Matrix

IMA is proud to be a partner of the World Administrators Alliance  - creator of the Global Skills Matrix.  

"A globally recognised, award-winning framework for administrative professionals and HR teams that, irrespective of country, makes it possible to identify levels of work for a given role and career progression opportunities to realise the potential to an organisation of an effective administrator.

Read more 

Be our Partner!

IMA is always looking for partners - are you looking for us? 

We are extremely proud of our many partners - and we always welcome more!

Be our partner in a win-win relationship - you get access to our members world wide and we help promote your company - our members get professional insights and members offers.

Please contact executivemarcom@ima-network.org to hear more about the possibilities of partnering with IMA Global. 

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