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  • 13 Jun 2024 16:57 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    This is an article from our gold partner iBabs

    Board meetings are the lifeblood of a successful business. They shape the future strategy of the company, the unique approach to execution, and the response to up and coming risks. Unfortunately, in many cases, board meetings are not as productive as they could (and should) be.

    As recently as 2019, strategy experts Ernst & Young found that more than a third of corporate leaders felt that developing “better engagement around strategy development and monitoring of strategic execution” was still the biggest challenge they faced. This shows why companies need to make the most of the opportunities they have when they convene the board together. 

    Read the entire article here
  • 21 May 2024 12:15 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    This is an article from our partner Assist-Me.

    In the fast-paced global world, the role of the Personal Assistant (PA) is dramatically evolving, transcending traditional boundaries and becoming an essential game changer in professional and personal spheres. Personal Assistants are now crucial strategic partners empowering C-Level Executives, Private Individuals, and Families with tailored support and unique solutions across international landscapes.

    The transformation into this role began 25 years ago when Ingrid and Daniella, former Executive Assistants, stepped into an entrepreneurial journey, leveraging their experiences to serve a diverse clientele both domestically and internationally. Their journey has been marked by forging strong international networks, which are now instrumental in enhancing the capabilities of PAs worldwide.

    A-Me, the platform founded by Ingrid and Daniella, is at the forefront of this transformation, viewing PAs as Local Strategic Partners who navigate complex global demands. This vision is executed through a network that not only enhances the professional skills of PAs but also enriches their personal growth and entrepreneurial spirit. At A-Me, PAs are empowered to manage their agendas, tasks, and income, connecting with exceptional international clients and expanding their professional horizons to become the PA Gamechanger.

    The service range at A-Me is extensive, from organizing bespoke travel experiences to crafting unique local holidays and events, all tailored to meet the sophisticated needs of Busy Wealthy People (BWP). This approach ensures that PAs provide unparalleled support and personalized attention, making every interaction worthwhile to their indispensable role in the global service industry.

    As the PA profession continues to evolve, their role is no longer just supportive—it is strategically transformative, making PAs integral to shaping the future of top-tier global services. For those looking to redefine their professional journey and excel beyond traditional roles, A-Me presents a golden opportunity to become game changers in a truly international setting.

    Want to join this revolutionary platform, visit www.a-me.nl 

  • 17 May 2024 08:33 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    An article from our gold partner iBabs

    Robert’s Rules of Order, also known as Robert’s Rules or RONR come from a book written by Henry Martyn Robert. Originally published in 1876, there have been 12 editions since with the latest up to date version published in September 2020. Henry Robert himself completed the fourth revised edition before his death in 1923.

    The procedures in this manual were created to conduct orderly parliamentary meetings and considering the rights of:

    • The majority
    • The minority (especially if bigger than a third)
    • Individual members
    • Absentee members
    • All groups together

    Today, RONR is the most commonly-used book on parliamentary procedure in the United States, gaining more and more popularity all around the world.


    What are Robert’s Rules of Order?

    Generally speaking, RONR is a set of strictly defined procedures that can be applied to many meeting situations. The premise is that a chairperson allows everyone to voice their opinions, and everyone is seen, heard and considered. 

    As the 11th edition of RONR says,

     "The application of parliamentary law is the best method yet devised to enable assemblies of any size, with due regard for every member’s opinion, to arrive at the general will on the maximum number of questions of varying complexity in a minimum amount of time and under all kinds of internal climate ranging from total harmony to hardened or impassioned division of opinion."

    Today, Robert’s Rules are used for:

    • Parliamentary rules and proper procedures
    • Bringing discussions to closure
    • Making informed decisions in a formal setting
    • Dispute resolution

    These can be applied to most meeting situations from PTAs to large-scale board meetings.

    Read the entire article here

  • 13 May 2024 12:55 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    Blog from Trafo Baden

    Welcome to our A-Z series on event planning, where we're exploring thoroughly into the world of crafting unforgettable experiences for your guests. Today, let's explore "E" for Event Type and how understanding the diverse occasions can truly elevate your event game.

    Understanding the Diversity of Event Types

    Event planning isn't a one-size-fits-all affair. It spans a vast spectrum, from seminars and trainings to product launches, award shows, employee events and many more. Each type comes with its own flavour, audience, and objectives, so grasping the essence of each is fundamental to your success.

    Read blogpost here

  • 21 Apr 2024 18:43 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    Blog from Trafo Baden

    Prepare for the next chapter in our 'Event Planning A-Z' series! This time, we're diving into 'D' for Decoration! From tackling challenges to crafting immersive atmospheres, explore how subtle elegance can elevate your events. Get ready for insights on overcoming obstacles, creating memorable experiences, and transforming your events with the power of decoration!

    Read blogpost here

  • 1 Apr 2024 17:32 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    On March 18, IMA Sweden held a meeting with an important  message "Children & Cancer do not go together" and we initiated a fundraising.

    We had a journalist from Executive Effect (a web based news letter/web page for EAs in Sweden) there, and she wrote an article about it - see here IMA:s träff hos Barncancerfonden gav tillskott till insamling - Executiveeffect. You can see the translated article text here.

    Image borrowed from the article published on www.Executiveeffect.se 

  • 19 Mar 2024 16:11 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    Driving Success Amidst Uncertainty: Sofie Koark Reflects on Four Years as IMA's Executive Vice Chair

    At the heart of global professional networking, the position of Executive Vice Chair holds a unique blend of responsibility and opportunity. Over the past four years, Sofie Koark has held this important position within IMA, guiding endeavors and international events. With her term drawing to a close, we caught up with Sofie to chat about her journey leading IMA. Join us as we delve into Sofie's proudest moments, toughest challenges, and the valuable lessons she's learned along the way.

    Can you share with us some of the key initiatives you've led during your tenure as Executive Vice Chair of IMA?

    As Executive Vice Chair I’m responsible for the training and education program of the Association. That includes all the international events. Since we have two huge events every year in different IMA countries - the International Training Day (ITD) in the spring and the International Annual Conference (IAC) in the autumn - it is the main focus for me. Having our first conference outside Europe, in Cape Town, South Africa was unforgettable! In addition, we have our regular international training webinars and various cooperations with training partners.

    Looking back over the past four years, what accomplishments are you most proud of?

    I’m most proud that we navigated IMA through the pandemic and into the new normal. It has been challenging financial years, and I am proud that we have managed that successfully and handled all the events. We also executed great online and livestreamed events. I’m also proud that we sourced a new Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) in 2023, Ursula Wartha/Strictly Business, that has brought a lot of expertise in financial management that has helped us to be more in control of the events.

    How has your role in IMA affected your work? Have you learnt things in IMA that you have applied in your job as an executive assistant?

    Yes, project management, event management, board work and people skills. In this role I am a leader, I set the direction, and I must make the overall decisions which I enjoy. I have also developed my communication skills.

    What inspired you to take on the role of Executive Vice Chair, and how has your vision for the organization evolved during your time in this position?

    I wanted to develop myself to drive results, getting a valuable understanding of how to run a complex international organization, and how to cooperate successfully with many different stakeholders. I believe IMA has a great foundation to build on for the future. It is based on engaged members, and we need to follow the times and make sure that we always stay relevant and provide value to members. Our mission is to connect and engage peers within and across borders and empower our members to excel.

    In such a dynamic role, what strategies did you employ to navigate challenges and maintain momentum?

    I drive things forward and I like to discuss my way through challenges, getting several perspectives and experiences on the matter and including people in the solution to keep everybody engaged. I guess it is the Swedish way – to build consensus!

    Could you highlight a particularly challenging moment or decision you faced as Executive Vice Chair, and how you overcame it?

    In 2020 we had to cancel and postpone events and that was a very tough and difficult decisions, not knowing how long the pandemic would last. I decided to only do digital events during 2021 and it turned out to be the right decision. After 2021 we launched our ITD in Luxembourg scheduled for the spring 2022 at the same time that the pandemic came back with the omicron virus! So, the whole event was very uncertain and impacted but we did manage to have it hybrid the end and in a responsible manner.

    Then we launched the IAC in Helsinki scheduled for Autumn 2022 at the same time as Finland’s neighbor Russia suddenly started a war in Europe! Finland then quickly applied for a membership in NATO and we were very uncertain if people and sponsors would dare to come to our event, or what was going to happen next. When working with international events anything can happen, and that you need to be prepared for. I have had many nights worrying about our events and finances and trying to come up with creative solutions.

    As you prepare to step down from your position, what advice would you offer your successor?

    To invest time and energy into creating great and rewarding working relationships with the Executive Committee, the event Project teams, our PCO, and partners. Teamwork makes the journey fun!

    How have you fostered collaboration and teamwork within IMA during your time as Executive Vice Chair?

    I always try to bring positive energy. I’m results-oriented and whoever has the best solution I am happy to go along with. I try to adapt and make sure people feel appreciated to not lose motivation. I am always reachable and quick to reply to move things forward. I am ambitious and I work hard with several IMA meetings in the evenings most weeks.

    Can you share any memorable moments or milestones that stand out to you from your time in this role?

    The first-time meeting together at an international event in spring 2022 in Luxembourg after two years of only online meetings was fantastic! We were all in a party mood and we felt the bars closed too early! I also really liked the IMA Sustainability challenge we did twice together with our partner Deedster where we learned how our daily choices can impact the climate, and competed together cross-borders though a digital tool. Gamification is a great way to create engagement and learn new things.

    Looking ahead, what do you see as the biggest opportunities and challenges for the organization?

    I think when you belong to an association you have to step up at some point and contribute, to give back to the community. An association is based on volunteers and it can be challenging to find people to fill the open positions. Even though it is a lot of work it is so rewarding and you will expand your network and get so much value in return!

    As you transition from this role, what personal or professional goals do you hope to pursue next?

    After four years in an international role and six years in a national IMA Sweden role on top of my fulltime normal job as Executive Assistant I will definitely enjoy having some more free time!

    Finally, what message would you like to convey to the members of IMA as you prepare to step down from your position?

    That IMA’s future depends on you and that together we can accomplish so much for our fellow Management Support Professional around the globe and elevate the role! Making sure that we learn the latest skills to be in demand in the market. “Ask not what IMA can do for you, but what you can do for IMA” haha. Step up and apply for an open IMA position to develop yourself professionally, you will not regret it!

    Interview by Annika Hedström, IMA global social media team 

  • 8 Mar 2024 13:58 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    Under the theme of "Inspire Inclusion," let's highlight the revolutionary role that assistants play in ensuring that workplaces are more equitable for all employees on International Women's Day, 2024. These professionals, the majority of whom are women, are the unsung heroes who keep organizations running smoothly, inspire teamwork, and support bold leadership initiatives. Rewarding them appropriately involves more than just giving them a pat on the back; it also entails raising their financial game, appreciating their diverse skill set, and guiding them toward the major decision-making tables.

    Acknowledging Assistants' Economic Intelligence

    Recognizing the financial value of assistance is essential for an organization to run successfully. Even though they are vital, they frequently make unjustifiably less money than their male colleagues. Reducing this difference in compensation and valuing their multitasking nature will help them become financially independent and gain the respect they deserve.

    Enhancing Diverse Membership in the Support Team

    To truly be inclusive, a diverse range of skills must be added to the pool of assistants. They represent a company's ideals and infuse the mixture with its unique hint. Achieving this requires expanding the pool of potential applicants, providing chances for skill development, and fostering an environment where everyone feels included. Companies can then generate new concepts and experience sustainable growth.

    Increasing Assistants to Upper Levels

    Assistants have a vital function, although they are rarely seen in authority positions. Let's make a shift this International Women's Day by encouraging assistants to become more capable leaders. We can begin to populate the leadership pool with a more dynamic and diverse group of people by offering mentorship, leadership training, and clear career ladder ascent opportunities.

    Building a Workplace that Gets Assistants
    Creating an environment that benefits all parties involved—assistants included—is the true meaning of inclusivity. Their knowledge of workplace dynamics makes them invaluable in the creation of accommodating work arrangements, comfortable workspaces, and all in between. Organizing a workstation with assistants in mind can boost output and foster a culture that is truly inclusive.

    Final Thoughts

    Let's celebrate the powerful role of assistants on International Women's Day and continue to work to ensure that they are recognized, taken seriously, and given opportunities to advance. Not only are we improving the lives of assistants, but we're also laying the groundwork for a more varied and prosperous future by recognizing their economic contribution, embracing their unique abilities, giving them the opportunity to assume leadership roles, and creating an environment that truly understands them.

    “Empowering assistants is not just about acknowledging their role behind the scenes; By investing in their  growth and giving them a voice, we're not just enhancing their careers—we're transforming our organizations for the better”.

    Gina Theofilidou

    Chair IMA Greece

    Virtual Support Professional – Your Distance Assistance

  • 27 Feb 2024 20:19 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    By Annika Hedstrom, IMA global social media team

    As an organization, IMA is dependent on having vendors who understand our needs and recognize that our members on the Executive and National Committees are working with IMA in their spare time. We are privileged to work with TECcompanion, who manages the Office365 suite and related services for us. In this interview with Jeannot Muller, Co-founder of TECcompanion GmbH, you will get a chance to get to know this small, agile tech company based outside of Munich, Germany.

    Thank you for taking the time to speak with us, Jeannot. To start off, can you tell us about the unique approach TECcompanion takes in providing Microsoft support for IMA?

    -  Absolutely. One key aspect is our licensing model. Since we're a Microsoft partner, our pricing aligns with the official Microsoft price list. There's no extra cost for customers; they just need to order through us. We receive royalties directly from Microsoft, however not for IMA accounts as Microsoft sponsors these for not-for-profit organizations. ensuring a seamless experience for our clients.

    This business model is no different from other cloud service providers, but it's crucial for us that support doesn't end with the purchase of licenses. Licenses can be compared to memberships at a fitness club, where you might forget to cancel or explore new products and better terms. We see ourselves as fitness club managers who don't hesitate to inform our customers about new and more affordable options, for instance, by analyzing their past usage patterns.

    That sounds straightforward. What sets TECcompanion apart in terms of services and expertise?

    - My business partner, Marcel Schaller, and I come from corporate backgrounds, holding CxO positions. Our forte lies in programming and IT consulting, focusing on crafting individual solutions that automate repetitive tasks, such as office automation and intranets.

    Impressive. How does TECcompanion address the needs of businesses, particularly smaller businesses?

    - Our specialization extends to Microsoft Server in the Azure cloud, a boon for companies lacking a substantial in-house IT department. Unlike larger competitors targeting firms with 50+ employees only, we cater to smaller businesses. We also provide Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), offering MS or Linux servers in the cloud, complete with backups and restoration support. Of course, these IaaS models can as well be extended to a full managed Platform-as-a-service product. It is solely up to the customers and their needs.

    Our strength is mainly built on three pillars.

    • First, we assist customers in finding the best price solution for their individual ”cloud suite“, while also regularly adjusting it (downscaling or upscaling).
    • Second, we provide guidance on security challenges like encryption, backup, monitoring and security solutions, which is becoming increasingly important in the current geopolitical climate.
    • Thirdly we are able to develop secure and efficient individual solutions where needed.

    It's great that you consider the needs of smaller enterprises. How does TECcompanion handle support for a voluntary organization like IMA?

    I think we are comparatively very flexible in finding fair solutions, especially for small companies and for NPOs. However, the reality is that our customers should ideally comprehend our circumstances as well and recognize that we cannot provide everything for free.

    Recognizing that IMA members often work during their spare time, we extend our support beyond regular office hours. We understand the unique demands of their schedules and aim to be flexible and accommodating.

    Your commitment to IMA members is evident. Lastly, can you share how TECcompanion has grown and the role word of mouth has played in your success?

    - We've always valued organic growth through word of mouth. While we have our limits, we're open to seizing opportunities to assist IMA members. Our extensive international network allows us to find suitable partners if needed, ensuring our clients get the best possible support.

    Could you share a success story or a notable project where TECcompanion made a significant impact on a client's operations, demonstrating the effectiveness of your tailored solutions?

    We maintain strict confidentiality regarding our customers and their activities. Our strength undoubtedly lies in our ability to successfully guide customers into the cloud, particularly those who previously found "everything with IT" to be a major obstacle.

    Last but not least, we have certainly been able to help many customers outsource smaller processes to an internal intranet when proven processes cannot simply be used for various legitimate reasons, such as outsourcing to MS Teams.

    Given the global reach of TECcompanion, how do you navigate and address challenges related to cross-cultural communication and varying business practices when working with clients from different regions or industries?

    We have certainly benefited from our experience of how “brutal” translations from German into other languages can be for readers from other countries ;-).

    Since we often communicate via tickets and in written forms for efficiency reasons, the interpersonal aspect is unfortunately missing. In this respect, emojis are not only colorful, but a real blessing, even if they are frowned upon in a business context in Germany, for example. ;-)

    And last but not least, that's likely why we maintain a modest website and aren't especially active on social media. Tastes vary across countries, so we prefer to concentrate on our core business.

    Thank you so much for your time today, Jeannot!

    Interested in connecting with Jeannot and TECcompanion?

    Please take a look at their website https://teccompanion.com/ or write to jeannot.muller@teccompanion.com

  • 25 Jan 2024 08:55 | Christina Kragh (Administrator)

    This article is from iBabs - our Gold Partner 

    In the 1870s, Henry Martyn Robert — an American soldier and engineer — created Robert's Rules of Order. Initially intended as a way to run church meetings, Robert’s Rules were, at first, inspired by the senate procedure at the time. Now, it’s the most widely-used rulebook for the parliamentary procedure in the United States. But many organisations around the world also use it for their committee meetings and board meetings.

    Read the article here

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