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Want to know about business membership of IMA Denmark?

Business members are companies that have trusted IMA Denmark to enlarge the exposure of their services and contribute to strengthen IMA Denmark community.

Becoming a business member is a cost-effective way to give you maximum exposure to management support professionals locally and across the country.

As a non-profit organization, IMA Denmark is comprised of volunteers who donate time and expertise to maintain current professional activities for our members and your company will stand out as a supporter, among office professionals, of their continued education and career development.

A partnership with IMA Denmark is an incredible opportunity to promote your business to appropriate contacts in different industries and businesses.

What's in it for you?

You can participate in IMA Denmark's meetings and activities during the year like all members do. On top of this, international meetings, seminars and conferences arranged in one of IMA’s member countries, are also open for attendance.

You can join in the discussions and exercises at meetings, but it is not allowed to sell during meetings. Like all other members you benefit from getting to know other members - it's all about availability.

You will have access to the members' database, and four times per year you are allowed to direct mail our Danish members with good offers etc. IMA Denmark also has a forum only for members on social media, for easy access to the nearest members.

You can like other members offer to sponsor meetings - this way we can visit your company and get a better understanding of what you do.

You are welcome to give a good offer - which will benefit both members and business members. IMA members are free to work with or not to work with our business members.

You can join work groups like all other members - and we appreciate all the help we can get from our business members.

You get visibility at our website and when you attend meetings. 

What is the membership fee?

The IMA Business Member annual membership fee is DKK 5,800.

Sign-up fee is DKK 300. The on-time sign-up fee 300 DKK covers administrative costs and a personal name tag.

A network meeting is DKK 350-500 (summer and Christmas meetings are DKK 500) and covers catering at the meetings. You only pay for the meetings you attend.

If you become a member after 1 July you pay half the annual fee, and if you become a member after 1 October you pay three month's fee.

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